For some reason, I am kind of scared to write and publish this post. Why, you might ask? Well, because this is something completely different than anything I've done in a long time.

I am used to being on the internet. In fact, one could say that I've grown up with it, for better or worse. I remember browsing the web when I was very young, looking for Digimon-themed pixelart; my father would give me access to his computer, and I'd be free to roam.
While surfing the web, it was not unusual to stumble onto peculiar, curious, unique pages; in middle school, when I didn't have many friends, I would spend many hours reading people's musings on... whatever, really. Growing up wasn't easy, but the Internet did make it somewhat easier. I had a place to return to, friends' pages to visit and leave comments on, images to download. The whole Internet almost felt like a land to explore, rather than a white plaza where everyone just screams random stuff from time to time. I miss that.

So this is why I'm here, typing these words. This is not unlike those old pages; I want to fill it with what I like, what I'm learning, what I'm doing. I want to use it to talk about stuff that I wouldn't talk about on social media for lack of space. And I want to make it feel like an inviting space inside my world.
It's scary, I guess, because it's something genuine. I feel somehat vulnerable! But this shouldn't take away from the fact that this should be a joyful thing to do; to carve out your own space out of the whole Internet, and to do it bit by bit. There's something romantic to it, isn't there? And I'm feeling equally as joyful as I write this.

The name of the blog comes from a condition I have. I was recently diagnosed with keratoconus; in an attempt to poke fun at the situation, I decided to use it as the basis of my blog's name without making it sound too foreboding or ominous. Hence why I decided to add chorus at the end! After all, life does feel like a chorus of good and bad stuff happening at the same time.

I've been growing out of the "new" Internet for quite some time, and my distaste of social media and the like is ever-expanding. keratochorus is meant to be a way for me to exercise mindfulness instead of succumbing to the will of the algorithm; to unwind, to delve deeper into things I love. I want to use it to talk about video games, or to recommend a book or two. Or go on rants about social media (I promise that I will try to keep the number of rants about social media very low).

I don't exactly know what this little blog will turn into. I just know I'm quite curious to see it flourish. I hope you'll hang around long enough so that you can see it too.